Wiki Drama


Wilber Pan10

Wilber Pan

  • Nombre: 潘瑋柏 / Pan Wei Bo 
  • Nombre en Ingles: Wilber Pan / Will Pan
  • Profesión: Cantante, actor y VJ
  • Fecha de nacimiento: 06-Agosto-1980 (44 Años)
  • Lugar de nacimiento: West Virginia, Estados Unidos.
  • Signo Zodiacal: Leo
  • Estatura: 174 cm
  • Peso: 69 kg


Temas para Dramas[]

Programas de TV[]


Álbum Información Lista de canciones
Wilber Pan Cover 01 Gecko Stroll

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Gecko Stroll (Bi Hu Man Bu)
  2. Tell Me
  3. Kiss Me 123
  4. Just When I Needed You Most
  5. Good Love
  6. I'm Not Afraid (Wo Bu Pa)
  7. X Spy
  8. I'm On Your Side (Zan Zai Ni Zhe Bian)
  9. I Just Can't Seem To Learn (Xue Bu Hui)
  10. Special Guest (Te Bie Lai Bin) (Special Remix Feat. Evonne Hsu)
Wilber Pan Cover 02 Pass Me The Mic

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Pass Me the Mic (Wo De Mai Ke Feng)
  2. Curry Chili (Ka Li La Jiao) (feat. Jason Tang)
  3. I've Fallen In Love With the Future You (Ai Shang Wei Lai De Ni)
  4. We All Make Mistakes (Wo Men Du Hui Cuo)
  5. If I Can't Have You
  6. How Are You
  7. Speak Frankly (You Hua Zhi Shuo)
  8. I Like You Like That
  9. When The Time Comes (Dao Shi Hou Zai Shuo)
Wilber Pan Cover 03 Wu Ha

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Wu Ha
  2. Worship Happiness (Kuai Le Chong Bai) (feat. Angela Zhang)
  3. I Let You Go (Wo Rang Ni Zou Liao)
  4. Feinting Techniques (Sheng Dong Ji Xi)
  5. Kiss Night
  6. I Don't Know Cantonese (Wo Bu Shi Guang Dong Hua)
  7. Do That To Me One More Time
  8. The Center Of My Circle (Yuan Xin)
  9. Want To Love You Too Much (Tai Xiang Ai Ni)
  10. I'll Do What I Say (Shuo Dao Zuo Dao)
Wilber Pan Cover 04 Expert

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Who's The MVP (Shei Shi MVP)
  2. Can't Help Loving You (Bu De Bu Ai) (feat. Xian Zi)
  3. Expert (Gao Shou)
  4. The One And Only Ze Dance (Chan Wu Bu Er)
  5. Don't Forget Me (Bu Yao Wang Le Wo)
  6. Baby Bye
  7. The Battle Room (Jue Zhan Dou Shi)
  8. Come With Me (Gen Wo Zou Ba)
  9. The Miraculous Power Of a Single Finger (Yi Zhi Shen Gong)
  10. Love Is Easy (Ai Hen Rong Yi)
Wilber Pan Cover 05 Frestyle Remix

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. fhgjghjgh
  2. The Battle Room (Freestyle Remix)
  3. Who's the MVP (Freestyle Remix)
  4. Expert (Freestyle Remix)
  5. The Miraculous Power Of A Single Finger (Freestyle Remix)
  6. Fight To The Death (Freestyle Remix)
  7. Worship Happiness (Freestyle Remix) (feat. Angela Zhang)
  8. Gecko Stroll (Freestyle Remix)
  9. Wu Ha (Freestyle Remix)
  10. Tell Me (Freestyle Remix)
  11. My Microphone (Freestyle Remix)
Wilber Pan Cover 06 Around The World

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Around the World (Fan Zhuan Di Qiu)
  2. Mesmerized (Zhao Mi)
  3. Put On My Love (Dai Shang Wo De Ai) (feat. Wang Luo Dan)
  4. Opportunity (Ji Hui)
  5. An Electrifying Attraction (Lai Dian)
  6. I Want To Understand You Better (Wo Xiang Geng Dong Ni) (feat. Julie Sue Rui )
  7. Ubiquitous (Wu Shuo Bu Zai)
  8. Street Poet (Jie Tou Shi Ren)
  9. Life Is Like A Drama (Xi Ru Ren Sheng)
  10. Thank You (Xie Xie)
  11. Pana@sonic
Wilber Pan Cover 07 Plat It Cool

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. >Play It Cool (Wan Ku)
  2. Glory (Guang Rong)
  3. The Perfect Story (Wan Mei Gu Shi)
  4. The Winding Road (Lu Tai Wan)
  5. Daydream (Bai Ri Meng)
  6. Say That You Love Me (Shuo Ni Ai Wo)
  7. Love Always (Ai Bu Li)
  8. I Just Can't Resist (Wu Fa Kang Ju)
  9. Guest Lover (Ke Chuan Qing Ren)
  10. Entourage (Zuo You)
  11. Shut Up (feat. Shin )
Wilber Pan Cover 08 Will's Futuro

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Intro
  2. Xia Ri Feng (夏日瘋) [Summer Craze]
  3. Bai Ri Meng (白日夢) [Daydream]
  4. Bi Hu Man Bu (壁虎漫步) [Gecko Stroll]
  5. Fan Zhuan Di Qiu (反轉地球) [Around the World]
  6. Shei Shi MVP (誰是MVP) [Who's MVP]
  7. Gao Shou (高手) [The Expert]
  8. Guang Rong (光榮) [Glory]
  9. Jue Zhan Dou Shi (決戰鬥室) [The Battle Room]
  10. Wan Ku (玩酷) [Play It Cool]
  11. Wu Ha
  12. Yi Zhi Sheng Gong (一指神功) [Android] (Remix)
  13. Shut Up (Ft. Shin)
  14. Tell Me
  15. Lai Dian (來電) [Incoming Call]
  16. Wo De Mai Ke Feng (我的麥克風) [Pass Me the Mic]
  17. Kuai Le Chong Bai (快樂崇拜) [Adoration of Happiness] (Ft. Angela Chang)
  18. Will Power - medley: 壁虎漫步 (Gecko Stroll)+高手 (The Expert)+反轉地球 (Around The World)+我的麥克風 (Pass Me The Mic)+玩酷 (Play It Cool
  19. Zhuan Ji (轉機) [Transfer] 
  20. Xie Xie (謝謝) [Thank You]
  21. Bu De Bu Ai (不得不愛) Can't
  22. Help Loving You (Ft. Zhang Xian Zi)
  23. Wo Rang Ni Zou Le (我讓你走了) [I Let You Go]
  24. Kiss Me 123
  25. Wo Bu Pa (我不怕) [I'm Not Afraid]
  26. Lu Tai Wan (路太彎) [The Road's Too Winding]
  27. Wo Men Dou Hui Cuo (我們都會錯) [We All Make Mistakes]
  28. Dai Shang Wo De Ai (戴上我的愛) [Put On My Love] (Ft. Wang Luo Dan)
  29. Ai Shang Wei Lai De Ni (愛上未來的你) [Falling In Love With the Future You]
  30. Shuo Ni Ai Wo (說你愛我) [Say That You Love Me]
  31. Zhan Zai Ni Zhe Bian (站在你這邊) [Standing On Your Side]
  32. Just When I Needed You Most
  33. How Are You
  34. Kiss Night
  35. Zhuan Ji (轉機) [Transfer] (Cantonese ver.)
  36. Will Story - medley: 不得不愛 (Cannot Help But Love You)+Kiss Me 123+愛上未來的你 (Falling In Love With The Future You)+謝謝 (Thank You)+路太
Wilber Pan Cover 09 007

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Dance Of Two People (Shuang Ren Wu)
  2. Limited Edition (Xian Liag Fa Xing)
  3. Weightless (Wu Zhong Li)
  4. Be With You (Ft. Akon)
  5. Love Song (Ai De Ge)
  6. Lonely Room For Rent (Ji Wu Chu Zu)
  7. Self-Awareness (Zi Wo Wo Yi Shi)
  8. My Dear (Qin Ai De)
  9. Everytime's Good Time
  10. How (Zen Me Zhe)
  11. Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
Wilber Pan Cover 10 808

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. Totally Wanted (Quan Mian Tong Ji)
  2. Future Love (Wei Lai Ai Qing)
  3. Slight Touch (Chu Dong) (Ft. Nichkhun)
  4. U U U
  5. Computer (Dian Nao) (Ft. Leung Wing Ta)
  6. Next Century (Ci Shi Dai)
  7. We Are All Afraid Of Pain (Wo Men Dou Pa Tong)
  8. Little Ant (Xiao Xiao Ma Yi)
  9. My Telephone (Wo De Dian Hua)
  10. Shoulder (Jian Bang)
  11. The Very End (Zui Zhong)
Wilber Pan Cover 11 The Story Of Billy (24 Ge Bi Li)

Fecha de Lanzamiento


  1. The Story Of Billy (24 Ge Bi Li)
  2. Live Broadcast (Xiang Chang Zhi Bo
  3. What Can I Do
  4. Forgot To Embrace (Wang Ji Yong Bao)
  5. Giving Strength (Gei Li) 
  6. Release Yourself (Shi Fang Zi Yi)
  7. Extravagant March (Hua Li Jin Xing Qu)
  8. Don't Want To Wake Up (Bu Xiang Xing Lai)
  9. That Day (Na Yi Tian)
  10. Absolutely Yours (Zhuan Shu Yu Ni)
  11. Baby Tonight



  • Aficiones: Jugar baloncesto, cantar, leer, jugar mahjong
  • Origen nativo: Shanghai, China.
  • Especialidades: Cantar, hosting, actuar, escribir canciones.
  • Idiomas: Inglés, mandarín, coreano, japonés
  • Entre sus mejores amigas está la cantante taiwanesa Rainie Yang, con la que se conoce desde la adolescencia.
  • Nacionalidad: Estadounidense y Taiwanes



