- Nome: 김병기/ Kim Byung Gi (Kim Byeong Ki)
- Profissão: Ator
- Data de Nascimento: 02/11/1948
- Local de Nascimento: Seoul, Coréia do Sul
- Altura: 174cm
- Peso: 74kg
- Hobbies: Golfe, hipismo e futebol
- Signo: Escorpião
- Grupo Sanguineo: AB
- Familia: Esposa, um filho e três filhas
- My Golden Life (KBS2, 2017)
- Master: God of Noodles (KBS2, 2016)
- Jang Young Shil (KBS1, 2016)
- Triangle (MBC, 2014)
- Inspiring Generation (KBS2, 2014)
- Gu Am Heo Joon (MBC, 2013)
- Immortal Classic (Channel A, 2012)
- Lights and Shadows (MBC, 2011)
- Gye Baek (MBC, 2011)
- Midas (SBS, 2011)
- Flames of Ambition (MBC, 2010)
- Freedom Fighter, Lee Hoe Young (KBS1, 2010)
- Merchant Kim Man Deok (KBS1, 2010)
- Wife Returns (SBS, 2009)
- The Man Who Can't Get Married (KBS2, 2009)
- Empress Chun Chu (KBS2, 2009)
- The Kingdom of the Winds (KBS2, 2008)
- Queen of Ahyun (MBC, 2007)
- Salt Doll (SBS, 2007)
- Jumong (MBC, 2006)
- Golden Apple (KBS2, 2005)
- Lawyers (MBC, 2005)
- Save the Last Dance for Me (SBS, 2004)
- Lotus Flower Fairy (SBS, 2004)
- Jang Gil San (SBS, 2004)
- King's Woman (SBS, 2003)
- Miss Mermaid (MBC, 2002)
- Empress Myung Sung (KBS2, 2001)
- Soon Ja (SBS, 2001)
- King and Queen (KBS1, 1998)
- Revenge and Passion (MBC, 1997)
- Sea of Ambition (KBS2, 1997)
- Jo Gwang Jo (KBS2, 1996)
- Sandglass (SBS, 1995)
- Promenade (2001)